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mom's morning out
Transition To Preschool with Mom’s Morning Out

If you are a stay-at-home mom with young children, you might be looking for options to give yourself a break and provide your kids with social and educational opportunities. One of the possibilities you can consider is enrolling your child in a Mom’s morning out program. This playgroup type usually operates in churches, community centers, or other facilities and offers part-time care for children from 6 weeks to 5 years old. This blog post will explain why Mom’s morning out may be the best preschool option for you and your child.

What is Mom’s morning out?

Mom’s Morning Out (MMO) program allows young children to interact with kids their age, build independence, and learn. Many churches offer these services at an affordable cost to families. They’re available at many local YMCA and YWCA locations. Similar programs may also be available at various community centers and locations under different names. Community centers and YMCAs, for example, may have programs for two and three-year-olds.

MMO Programs

MMO programs usually follow the same school calendar as the school district you live in, so there will be summer and winter breaks and federal holidays when the classrooms will be closed. During your child’s time away from home, they’ll have plenty of play opportunities, and most programs have a music hour and chapel time. Classes usually are two to three days a week and last three to five hours daily. However, some programs also offer the option of more days and the choice between full and half days.

Why are Mom’s morning out programs beneficial?

Turning two is a significant milestone. The American Academy of Pediatrics notes that between the ages of 24 and 30, your child should begin following basic instructions, building a solid vocabulary, engaging in pretend play, and recognizing different emotions. This is also when they learn to engage with others, share, and exhibit empathy. But how do you teach your toddler these things? The answer is quite simple – children learn through observation and imitation. This is why play is so crucial at this age. Mom’s morning-out programs provide them fun opportunities to engage with other kids, allowing them to reach these developmental milestones. Mom’s morning out may help your child transition to preschool.

Transitioning to Traditional Preschool

Allowing your child to be part of a class with others their age will help them develop the social and motor skills they need to prepare for continued education. They will read stories, play games, do crafts, and get all the love and playtime children their age need. MMO programs also have structure and routine, which can help your child transition to preschool or kindergarten more easily.

Benefits for the Parent

As a parent, you can also benefit from enrolling your child in an MMO program. You can use the time to run errands, catch up on work, or relax and recharge. You can also meet other parents in the same stage of life as you and form friendships and support networks.

How do you choose a Mom’s morning out program?

If you are interested in finding an MMO program for your child, here are some tips to help you choose one that suits your needs:

  • Research online or ask for recommendations from friends or family members who have used MMO programs.
  • Visit the facility and observe the classrooms, staff, and activities. Ask about the curriculum, schedule, fees, policies, safety measures, and accreditation.
  • Talk to the teachers and ask about their qualifications, experience, and approach to working with young children.
  • Consider your child’s personality, interests, and needs. Find out if the program can accommodate any special requests or concerns you may have.
  • Trust your gut feeling. Your child will, too, if you feel comfortable and confident about a program.

An Excellent Option

Moms’ morning-out programs can be an excellent option for stay-at-home moms who want to give their children some socialization and learning experiences while having some time for themselves. If you are looking for a preschool alternative that is flexible, affordable, and fun, check out some MMO programs near you. For traditional preschool, contact Triangle Learning Center for details. 


Mother’s Day Out Programs: How to Choose One You Feel Good About | LoveToKnow

Mom’s Day Out – Hearts & Minds Early Childhood Program

How to Choose a Mother’s Day Out Program – Verywell Family