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Tag: early childhood

Disciplining Children with Love: A Biblical Approach

One of our most significant responsibilities as parents is lovingly guiding our children toward righteousness and disciplining them when necessary. However, it’s crucial to approach discipline from a place of love, not anger or frustration. The Bible provides a wealth of guidance on effectively disciplining our children while fostering a nurturing and loving environment. Training
Screen time late into the night can negatively impact sleep

What to Do if your Child Wakes Up Frequently at Night

If you are a parent of a young child, you may have experienced the frustration of being woken up by your child in the middle of the night. Whether it is because of nightmares, night terrors, snoring, illness, or anxiety, night wakings can disrupt your child’s sleep quality and your own. Here are some tips
How to Know When Your Child Is Ready for Potty Training

How to Know When Your Child Is Ready for Potty Training

Potty training is a significant milestone for both parents and children. It can be exciting, challenging, and sometimes frustrating. But how do you know when your child is ready to start the process? Here are some tips based on pediatric research to help you decide. The Signs of Toileting Readiness First, you need to look
mom's morning out

Transition To Preschool with Mom’s Morning Out

If you are a stay-at-home mom with young children, you might be looking for options to give yourself a break and provide your kids with social and educational opportunities. One of the possibilities you can consider is enrolling your child in a Mom’s morning out program. This playgroup type usually operates in churches, community centers,

Help your little one cope with separation anxiety

Separation anxiety is a common and natural feeling that many children experience when they are away from their parents or primary caregivers. It usually starts between 6 months and 3 years of age, and it can vary in intensity and duration depending on the child’s temperament, attachment, and environment. Help your little one cope with
when is my baby ready to walk

When is My Baby Ready to Walk?

Babies go through many stages of physical development in their first year of life. They learn to roll over, lift their head, crawl, stand, and walk. These are important milestones that show how your baby is growing and learning new skills. Here is a brief overview of each milestone and when to expect it. Roll